A car’s name can make it or break it. With the Dodge Charger, it charged right into the winner’s circle withbuyers. From its beings of a rush to production showcar, to the straight from the high banks of Daytona racecar looks, to the sleek coke bottle styling the 1966-1974. Charger remains a favorite with collectors today.
However, even with its one of kind styling it was stillpart of the Chrysler family and it shares many of itsibling and cousins parts. And this is what Charger Used Parts Buyers Guide is all about. Loaded withthousands of interchanges all about your classic 1966-1974 Dodge Charger. Covering everything from the body panels to the engine and drivetrain down to the wheels. Plus, nameplates and trim. Also contains hundreds of photos and factory illustrations to help you better identify and inspect the parts. If you own or want to want to buy a 1966-1974 Dodge Charger you will find Charger Used Parts Buyers Guide, essential